Our Services

Physical Well-being

The physical body carries you through life. It is the vessel of your story. But sometimes it is easy to neglect it, to shush it when it aches, feels restricted, is exhausted or overwhelmed. Do you honor your body’s wisdom? At SomaNova we can listen in with you and help you tune in to the signals it is sending you, bring a deeper awareness of what your body is communicating. We are skilled in many modalities that help us attend to the needs of the physical body.

Emotional Well-being

Somatic therapy is a way of tending to the emotional being by tuning in to the signals the physical body. Our soma includes our central nervous system which is constantly scanning to make sure we are safe. But our threat response system can become a hindrance to healing if it is overactive in its response to stress, grief, anxiety, depression, fear, and trauma.

At SomaNova you can schedule with a trauma informed therapist with training in somatic bodywork. Often the body responds to safe touch and healing intention with a somatic-emotional response and release, especially if the body has been holding on to overwhelming emotions.

Many find that somatic bodywork can help support you in times of grief or loss by gently surfacing emotion in a comforting and safe environment. Some have found great benefit to adding somatic therapy as part of their cancer care team. Or perhaps we can help you to navigate emotional trauma held in the body by offering you a safe environment to release fear and negotiate with your nervous system so you feel less anxious in your body. We can come alongside you to help you to envision and imagine new possibilities for safety, comfort, peace, and joy in your body and help you to integrate the emotional and physical aspects of self for a more connected and coherent being.*

Spiritual Well-Being

It is challenging to describe the spiritual being with words, and to know what it means to be well spiritually. It is the least tangible and yet for some the most intimate aspect of our being. Some believe our spirit is home to our personality and character, our beliefs and values, our sense of purpose and our deepest desires. At SomaNova we provide a safe and supportive environment where you have agency to experience spiritual connection in a way that is unique to your own story. Here you can find a guide who is certified in religious abuse and welcomes you to process your life experiences, to explore the connection between spiritual experiences and the body, and explore options for connection in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Color Consultations

We love color at SomaNova! We invite you to experience how we integrate color into our practice: Schedule a Color Consultation with us using Aura-Soma’s Equilibrium Bottles.

Schedule our signature Color Massage, a gentle touch massage that incorporates colors, stones and sound, and breathwork to bring your body deeply into balance and release.

*At times, the level of need of a clients falls outside our scope of bodywork, somatic practice, and spiritual discernment. We invite our clients to continue therapy with us in conjunction with mental health professionals so that they have the additional support needed. We encourage clients to open the channel of communication between SomaNova and your mental health professional if you are currently seeing one, so that we can work together for your well-being. We are also very grateful for the opportunity to partner with Thrive Counseling, Consulting, Training and Wellness and we are happy to make a care connection for you if it would contribute healing to your ongoing story.